Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The Ricki Lake Show Cancelled

The Ricki Lake Show- Oh hi. I thought we were done! And sadly after reading the reports, I guess it is. All of you lucky ticket holders who got free tickets for The Ricki Lake Show, it's all for naught. The show has been cancelled. Ain't that a damn shame. It seemed so promising (cue dream like effects....)

You know after I saw Ricki on that Oprah Winfrey Show with those talk show hosts, I knew Ricki was getting the bug again. Lake's original show was originally pitched as the first show specifically to Generation X. Wasn't yesterday fun? While the intent was noble, the original The Ricki Lake Show quickly degenerated into a seamy affair, the epitome of what was wrong with humanity. That original scream fest slithered off the air in 2004, thank you Lordy.

After making that cosmic boo-boo, it was shocking to hear that Ricki Lake wanted to do it all again.
The Ricki Lake Show debuted  in September 2012. Immediately it was seen and was presented as a more mature outfit--and more boring one. The set was more muted, filled with bric-a-brac, comfy stuff and pillows and such you see at your Target. Also the noise makers/stereotypes in the audience from the days of yore had been eradicated. It was a nice try. The show couldn't catch fire with neither guests nor topics. To put it all in hi-fluent terms, "No one curr!

Sadly as the episode total increased, Ricki started looking spacey and talking about long gone characters like the guy from Chicago who did hair (what?) When she called the aforementioned hairdresser, "her boo" I knew this show was over. The Ricki Lake Show will continue to shoot until March and the reruns will remain on the air throughout the summer. After that happy day, clips of the show will remain on YouTube forever ever and pics of Ricki will remain in my "special" folder.

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