Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Jay Leno Show

The Jay Leno Show- We've been awaiting this disaster for a few months and it didn't disappoint. It was/is a disaster. Leno was the host of the Tonight Show for 17 years after being Johnny Carson's substitute host. Before that, Leno was a hilarious comedian whose best work can be seen via YouTube. Clearly the times have changed. Whether Jay was asked (axed) to leave the Tonight Show for Conan O' Brien or left on his own speed, who knows. But the truth is little consolation for a talk show that's going to be on every weeknight at 10PM Eastern.

The main problem with the Jay Leno Show is that it's pointless. Really I want to see dramas as 10PM, not talk shows and especially not train wrecks. He's a talented guy, a good talk show host but why is this on? Oh yeah that's right, ratings. For his inaugural broadcast Jay had this skit that went on forever, Jerry Seinfeld fell by and I turned away to watch Guiding Light on my computer. Sad, I know.

Who's that? Oh look, it's Kanye West. He was able to visit after his shameful display at the VMA's. We see from the pic he's shell shocked after interrupting little ol' Taylor Hicks Swift's big moment. She looked as lost as Carrie out there didn't she. Anyway, this drama provided Jay a "Hugh Grant" moment so early on. It's quite fortuitous isn't it? Jay later offered Kanye some counseling at a crazy hospital (in a room next to Ben Silverman) and Kanye decided to torture us musically with help from Rhianna and Jay-Z.

Grade: C-

What I'd Do: Cancel it and give Leno a weekly show.

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