Sheila Kennedy, Penthouse pet of the year from 1983, (5 covers), is presently a contestant on Big Brother 9, the same show I've been whining about being boring for weeks. I don't know how I came across the news, didn't hear it on the show, but I'd like to thank the person who mentioned it, somewhere. Oddly enough, she's mentioned it on the show but I didn't pick it up, can't really hear it when the sound is down and half-assed watching it. Here's a clip from BB. It's so interesting.
From the clip, Sheila lived with Bob Guccione in the Fun House for 10 years, 10 long years. Not surprisingly, Bob seems to be a weird character, a "ree-cloose" as Sheila puts it. He had some kind of weird setup at his stony mansion, the girls had to sign in and out. Sheila goes on to describe even more stuff but the dillweeds keep popping their chops so we can't hear all of the good stuff. Some people...

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