Sunday, June 10, 2007

TV Woes

Oh hi. Funny story, I got locked out of my blog for nearly two weeks. In any event
this whole TV season has been throughly disappointing as my Match Game DVD. There's nothing but bad news all around. Yay that makes me happy!

Isaiah Washington-So Long, Farewell, To You and You and You- I've got to say seeing Isaiah Washington get canned as Preston Burke isn't exactly guffaw worthy to me. I don't know, they dragged it out like a soap opera, kept him on board and then wham! He had to go-go. The most nagging thing is that he's such a good actor and Preston Burke is a great character, I'm afraid the show accelerated it's continuing decline.

Part 1: I wonder what really sent him packing. Was it choking "McDreamy" or the comment he made to Patrick Dempsey about TR Knight. Was it a combination of the two or both, why am I still typing...

Exclusive: Reportedly Washington is mad as hell. I don't think it's possible, he looks so happy there...

Real World: Reunion- Reunited and it feels so bad. I don't know who's idea it was to bring this packs of malcontents back but, here they are. The Las Vegas season is when I deemed myself too old to watch. Since it's been so long (5 years) MTV wants us to "catch up" and have these seven strangers check back into their old sin den, the Palms. Same apartment too. Same crap.

Verdict: These people are still as uninteresting as they ever were.

Look, it's Mr. Nice Guy. ABC's American Inventor always was an odd show. There's always some dude wanting validation for lunatic fringe idea. Apparently to add some facial recognition to the judges panel and soften the blows, George Foreman was added to the cast. I have to say, where would we be without his inventions like that '90s contraption that takes all of the taste away from, well, everything...

Part 1- I saw a clip of this where phoney baloney Foreman wasn't putting on his non-scary face for some goofy kid some crappy gadget. That's exciting...

Creepy George Is Back!- Perhaps in an attempt to lure viewers, George went on record and stated that he thought he was drugged during the 1974's Rumble in the Jungle. Me? I thought Ali just gave him an ass whuppin'.

It's an outrage! Man, I was just liking Milena Govich on Law and Order when I received the news that she won't be back next season. Well, that sucks. Really I don't know why not. She's really cute and I was enjoying watching her strut around fighting crime with Marvin Gaye. Oh well...

In some good news, Fred Thompson has left. Degrading the Law and Order franchise isn't enough, he's going to do his part in destroying the planet by running for president. Good luck, smiley...

Bob Barker Won't Go Home- CBS gave Barker not one but two "going away" specials. He's been the host of PIR for hundreds of years. Now it's being reported that he's put himself on the short list as one of the potential new hosts because they can't find anyone.

Part 15: Now we're getting a taste of that selfish, selfish man that gave Holly Hallstrom so much worry. I've got one word for Bob Barker: Goodbye!


Rob! said...

Jason, you are hilarious. Yes, Bob Barker is a prick-ola. He got all pissed because Rosie said she wanted to host the show. Dude...go spay some pets.

You are also on the money with Fred Thompson. He blows. And politically, he is worse than Dick Cheney. Heaven help us. I wish they would bring back Adam Schiff as the DA. He was great.

Unknown said...

Thanks Rob :) I've got to calm my Bob Barker hatred down LOL. When I think of the things he's done especially to Holly Hallstrom, it just pisses me off heh heh...

I was so glad to hear Fred Thompson left Law and Order. I heard some boneheads on the net say that they need to find another conservative voice for L&O. I beg to differ--I really do...

Yeah, what happened to Steven Hill?

Malcolm said...

For years I said that Jesse L. Martin would be perfect in the role of Marvin Gaye. Hopefully, the planned biopic comes out in 2008 as scheduled.

As for George Foreman... sure he was drugged during the Ali fight. That is if you wanna call the "Rope-A-Dope" a drug.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I've been saying that for years too Pop Culture Dish :) Martin really wants to play him too. I wish I had said that Rope-A-Dope thing first.

Why thank you I certainly will check out your site.