See, I was trying to be nice--and look what happened...

That's pic is stolen! Anyway I'm sick of the coverage of Anna Nicole Smith. I did like her--but this is getting out of hand. I was innocently reading stuff and now I find out through the autopsy that the coroner found her
anus to be "unremarkable." Good lord, we've got people in Iraq getting their legs blown off, Anna's gone and people are talking about
this?File Under: ET, Mark Steines, Crying Howard K. Stern, Obsessive Reporting, Anna's butt, Give it a rest, Show's over...
Jennifer Hudson and That Damn Oscar- She needs to put that thing down...Maybe I'm overreacting. I was watching TV and I saw her with this thing, again. Let's hope it's a rerun or something. Hudson also is still pissed with Simon Cowell. Cowell thinks she's not thankful enough for her American Idol stint. That caused this unwarranted attack on the 10th best fast food chain...
Pop Culture Idiot Rewind: Hudson said
"...If I'd been any better at my job when I was at Burger King in my middle teens, I wouldn't be here either, so should I thank them, too?"Well that's kind of mean--and yeah, thank Burger King, why not.
Geez... Can you imagine... After tanking nightly on the CBS Evening News, Katie Couric came out with all guns blazing
after John and Elizabeth Edwards. To be honest I didn't hear the whole thing--but what I did hear was disgusting. I can't believe someone has the audacity to think the Edwards's reaction to this news was a political move. Awful. Didn't Couric have experience with this tragedy too? I guess having her face pulled so tight has affected her memory.
Bill Geddie- At one time I enjoyed Bill Geddie's corny segments on
the View. It turns out that the shtick came from a power-hungry, devilish man. You'd think he'd be the voice of reason after the show turned into Rosie O' Donnell's Psycho Circus. It turns out he's all for the change, apparently like the strident direction and is jonesing for more. More ratings, more controversy, more nasty comments about Star Jones. Bill Geddie is a glutton!
50 Foot Michael Jackson... Got megalomania? It was just a matter of time before Mike was going to take it to Vegas. This time, it seems like he's also got a friend. Jackson is planning to build a 50 foot replica of himself to perform and greet. Yuck. Is he alright? I know the Jackson's aren't rocket scientists, but does he have any idea how gauche, ungainly and sick a 50 foot thing is going to be?
Update: Reportedly, Jackson also wants lasers to shoot out of the 50 foot Michael Jackson "deal." I think I'm going to be sick...
I can't tell the difference anymore....
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