Guess what, I've been busy helping the youth. I'm teaching them to be as expedient and untrustworthy as I am. The good news is I've seen a few commercials that all are a bit annoying, in their own special way...

This is an especially cute commercial for Special K. The actress in the clip is Elizabeth Hendrickson . I was surfing and found out she's also on
All My Children, she's very attractive. And oh yeah, hot women don't eat Special K? Does anyone? See, I go back to the Kellogg's Snack Pack days and Special K is great in theory but often not worth the bother.

This commercial is for Special K with chocolate chunks. Sounds, bad!

Wouldn't you know it, I was puttering around the Special K site,smokin' and drinkin ' and look what I found. Oddly enough this spot ran a good time
after Christmas. While I didn't recognize the rear end, I certainly knew who it was after a while...

Why, that's Stacy Edwards, one of my favorite actresses. She's been in a lot of stuff and even played the way boring Hayley Benson on
Santa Barbara. She's probably best known as the girl in
In the Company of Men and she did a bid/stint on
Chicago Hope. So yeah while it was a pleasure seeing her here I don't have any idea why. She should have her own show or something...
Subway- Well it looks like Subway made short work of Jon Lovitz's dreary ads. Look who's back, Jared. This time he's
brought some friends. Jared's done a few of these joint ads and I just hope he's not starring with a person who will replace him. That would be a doggone shame. And granted, I'm no skinny dude myself but as I've stated delicately in the past, Jared looks like he's getting chunky again. He's certainly not svelte or in good enough shape to make eating at Subway a necessity.
Tales From The Road: I tried Subway's new Pastrami sandwich and it made me hurl.

Makes me want to hurt myself...The Singing Maxwell House Lady
There's no sense in trying to be hi-fi, we all know who this is. This is the singing woman from the Maxwell House commercials. She's first seen singing with her stolid crew and then she has a solo spot and shows the world how shrill her voice really is. I bet she expected her phone to ring off the hook, you know Clive Davis,
Clifton Davis, Clive Owen, whoever. It's time for me to ease her mind: Hey, Maxwell House Lady, you can't sing! Now!

Geico- I'm probably the only person who finds this ad totally annoying. I just don't think it's funny and I'm sick of seeing it. For me, the things the announcer said just weren't humorous at all. That's the object and at this point, I don't even know what Geico does.
The Good News: Blousey shirts and funny-looking pants are back!
That is the worst of the Geico commercials. Now I love the little Richard one...everytime he says "mashed potatoes and gravy" I fall out on the floor.
Oh gosh, I haven't seen the singing Maxwell lady. That sounds pretty comical.
Jared needs to start doing ads for a gym and then get himself into shape. You are more than right, Jared is getting quite chunky.
Yeah Iagree abnout that Shawn even though those "serious" caveman spots are running a close second. Little Richard's comedy gold. I remember I saw him on a Friday Night Videos with John Larroquette and it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
That Maxwelll House lady is frightening, her voice goes right through me like a car alarm.
Ahh Jared...Looks like eating Subway has caught up to him. They don't even have his weight loss as a backstory, he's just a goofy pitchman. A pitchman with more than a few LBS's to lose...
You know the cavemen are getting a tv show on ABC right? We'll see if it gets picked up for the fall season.
My least favorite ad of the moment is that Boost Mobile crap "Where you at?" You know the one where eveyone is wearing a big, bubble type suit to make them look like a round dot on a GPS map. It drives me up the wall.
Am I the only person that would like to see John Cena give Jared an elbow off the top rope in that commercial? I mean, come on.
Shawn, I think I've seen that Boost Mobile commercial, it's one of those things my mind just shuts off on.
Yeah those cavemen are supposed to get their own show. That's insane and I also heard it's going to be a drama. Can't wait! Groan... LOL.
Steve, sadly I want to see John Cena (or someone) punch Jared so hard I'd feel it.
its not stacy edwards.
oh gosh! I hope its not a drama. Ha! That will be a riot.
Yeah I think it's going to be a drama. It's probably going to work as well as that "serious" and seriously bad '80s Brady Bunch series.
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