The best character ever.
I've been watching reruns of the Cosby Show. You know, the show really wasn't bad? Well the ones with Lisa Bonet weren't bad. Of course Bonet played the icon Denise Huxtable.
With her fashion sense, quick wit and tangible presence, Denise was often the only non-annoying thing about
the Cosby Show. And how annoying could the Cosby Show be? From Cliff hiding potato chips in the fireplace to Clair sounding off about absolutely nothing, the Huxtable's were colossal pains in the ass. Well, except for one that is.
The power of Denise can be seen in the classic 1987 episode "Shakespeare." Seems that Christopher Plummer, Roscoe Lee Browne and Gramps Huxtable/Earle Hyman all fell by to read ol' Bill Shakespeare. After seeing those pontificating windbags go at it, the only beacon of common sense was Denise. Bonet also used her powers for good in the dreadful "Hillman" episode.

Denise and Bonet left the Cosby Show during the 87-88 season. She had to go to Hillman full-time with Whitley and Marisa Tomei. Bonet was still at her quirky best but her solo stint was brief. Lisa got pregnant and had to leave. Sinbad would have been devastated if he was on the show at that time.

Luckily for me, Heathcliff Cosby begrudgingly let Denise come back home. Denise returned looking great but with the baggage of a husband and his kid. Bonet made all of it work and actually got even better as portraying a slightly older and still hot Denise. In one odd episode Cliff got his jollies by the fact that Denise remained a virgin up to her wedding night. Yikes, dial it down,
Denise Leaves Again: America Cries: Having Bonet in the back in the fold wasn't good enough for Bill Cosby. Cosby reportedly gave Bonet the boot because he felt her character stalled out. Damn you Bill!
Ahh, just look at him...
Take Cos to the woodshed why don't you. Brutal!
I enjoyed Bonet's second stint on Cos more than her first.
Now, how you gon' mention Marisa Tomei by name and not Jasmine Guy?
Bill Cosby makes me mad LOL. I liked his work up until the 3rd or fourth season, he just seemed so self-satisfied. His dealings with Bonet were a bit too much. Really in a few scenes he was ogling Bonet more than I was. I liked her second stint better too.
I forgot Marisa Tomei's character name, I thought it was Marisa Tomei :)
Angel Heart, unedited.
I'm going search for some pics from that movie tonight. Thanks for mentioning it Steve, heh heh...
But then again, I do remember something to do with a chicken...
The Cosby Show was great until it got preachy--usually anything having to deal with Hillman College.
Yeah Frank, I'd have to agree. The "Hillman" episode was just dreadful. For me the show got a little stodgy and self-satisfied too. It was great those early seasons and Bonet really helped during her return.
I forgot Marisa Tomei's character name, I thought it was Marisa Tomei :)
She was Maggie.
I loved Lisa Bonet on "Cosby." I loved Denise's quiet ways and quirky fashion. I didn't really like her on "A Different World"...she seemed babyish and lost her sense of fashion.
Maggie, that's it :)
I'll agree with that, Lisa really didn't do her best work on "A Different World." For me her character wasn't as well written either.
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