It's crunch time now. I'm known as a boss who's hard but fair, but this is ridiculous. Justin's reportedly out gallivanting with women like Scarlett Johansson and again doesn't have time to edit this blog.
Private Business Made Public: This is Jason, Justin you need to come back to work. I can't do this alone!

I miss Happy Zach Braff. The invites to parties, the crazy, kooky IM's. Now I hear that Zach has mild depression. I'm shocked, I really wouldn't have known it from his movies.
My Advice: Get happy

Revolting VH1
There's a screenshot from VH1 in 1998. Looking back, the execution was quaint though nice. I bet with enough clicks I'd get to see Sarah McLachlan's old tour schedule. All of this navel gazing begs the question: When did VH1 turn into a poop factory? They've pretty much have gone from Storytellers to Ron Jeremy. How disgusting and soul-numbing is that.

Got to hand it to him, he had a great run as one of show businesses "nice
guys." Looks like that's all over. My street team tells me he has a
foul mouth, a nasty temper and he hit Heather Mills on her good leg.
Just look at him, I bet he doesn't rewind his videos before returning them too!

Looks like we're going to have to say goodbye to Rick Schroder. According to reports, he doesn't like his name, Rick Schroder. The special bulletins were right, he's going back to being called Ricky Schroder. He also said that being called Rick "never felt right." I know what he means, when people call me Rick Schroder it never feels right either...
Sorry Jason but VH-1 has stepped it up. Yea, as fun as their pop up video show was, their behind the scene music artist profiles were it is the celebreality crop of shows that have put them on the map. The shows have been consistently entertaining. A few are a tad lowbrow but that's to be expected.
I'm hooked on 3 of their shows. I Love New York. The white Rapper Show. Surreal Life Fame Game. Join the party Jason. LOL!
I'm certain that mean nasty Paul doesn't rewind his rental either.
I so hope you're kidding about Rick feeling that being called Rick never felt right.
I agree with you Jason. You can't find a video anywhere on this channel except for at 3am or the Top 20 countdown. Which brings me to a two-fold rhetorical question: 1) If VH-1 stands for "Video Hits One" then where the hell are the videos? 2) How do you come up with a Top 20 video countdown when you only show videos 2 hours a day and the rest of your programming is horrid celebrity reality shows?
VH-1 sucks. Now MTV networks is working on sucking the music out of CMT. So ultimately, Viacom sucks.
Shawn, I understand what you mean, but the lowbrow aspect is a little much for me. I learned a lot from those Behind the Music's and documentaries and it's just a little odd to think Hulk Hogan is in the place of something I could benefit from heh heh...
You know, that I Love New York show is really good. Got to say, it's well made. Just thinking about it maybe Paul McCartney needs a reality show, wow, what an oddly feasible idea.
That Rick (Ricky) Schroder deal is actually true. I didn't know he was crazy....
Yeah 3am is about when I see the videos too Ginger. On Sundays too--for about an hour. I think that's going to be the problem. Why is Vh1 even showing videos. It was a music channel and now there's barely any music. Isn't that weird when you think about it?
But just thinking about it, maybe the rock/pop/rap videos themselves became so bad that there wasn't much else to do. Oddly enough, the country videos aren't that bad. But yeah, I bet they'll stop playing them too...
Dude...if you hear from Justin tell him I am waiting for him to return my calls.
Ron Jeremy looks like a Basset Hound.
Hopefully Rick(y) won't consult, say, Michael Jackson on what feels right. Of course age is a factor now.
I have to agree with the lowbrow comments. Maybe I am aging, but watching shows like The Real Life , Surreal Life, etc. makes me long for the sweet release of death. I keep thinking if there was a huge nuclear war, and the MTV/VH-1 tape library survived, future generations are in huge trouble.
LOL Rob. Yeah sad thing is that I've inadverdly have seen Jeremy in action. No one can tell me people enjoy watch him do anything...
I think Rick (Ricky) is crazy. He couldn't even stay on NYPD Blue and he was actually good on that.
Steve, that war is going to happen and the only thing left will be the first edition of MTV's So You Want To Be A DJ and Flavor of Love, episode 6 season 2. Oh no, what will they think of us!
The "show" aspects of VH1 are too much for me too. While I do enjoy some of the shows, I have to wonder why any network has Hulk Hogan, Ron Jeremy (really Ron Jeremy) and Brigitte Nielsen on the schedule. Ratings yeah--but whn you think about it, it's so odd...
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