Isaiah Washington's having a time. See? It looks like if you make Patrick
Dempsey's hair fall out of place, bad luck follows. You know what's
hilarious about this "tragedy" it's the fact that it all could have
been avoided. The furor did die down until Washington stoked the embers at the Golden Globe Awards. Good going! Now the news is filled with this guy and he's probably going to have to go to the crazy house just for being a total jackass.
Bow tie Rating: 6 1/2 out of 10

those commercials on Lifetime. It's not like it's celebrated its 300th episode or anything and now I've got to act like its Gunsmoke or something. And you know what? I do remember the firsts. Why? Because they happened last year.

Well I guess those who are aganist American's can-do attitude and our freedoms can rejoice: The Greg Behrendt Show has been cancelled. Damnit! When I first saw the news, I felt queasy and then I hurled, Greg deserves better. It seems that Greg is being squeezed out of the business by way of the Keith Ablow (assumedly in its death throes) and the upcoming Steve Wilkos program. There's only one thing to say: Good luck Craig!

Good lord, talk about your fast post-rehab photo shoot. Of course that's Tara Conner and being off drugs for a brief time never looked some wholesome. I'm no Dr.Scholls but I can safely say it's going to take more than this, I'm not that easily distracted. Miss USA's a Junkie!
Part 2: Nice dog...
I can't stand the Grey's Anatomy drama. Isaiah is icky.
The drama is bad Rob. I think people at ABC probably think the same way you do...
IW is a fool and a half. Don't you just hate watching people with suspect common sense make fools of themselves?
They're pimping Steve Irwin's daughter? No way! She's 8 and chasing wild animals? Stop. I can't take this.
Go Rachel Ray! Hehehehe. She's coming for you Jason.
The Miss USA drama is ridiculous. Go away miss Conner. The press conference, the tears, the donald, the happy pics now that she's clean is trumped up drama. Go away woman! Who cares?
Shawn,I have to say I'm a bit entertained by the antics and collateral damage of the Isaiah Washington's deal. It's preposterous--and that jackass couldn't even attend the SAG awards, he was in "rehab."
I feel a bit sorry for that Little Irwin Girl. IMO, she's very annoying. She needs to go somewhere and be 8.
Heh, heh Rachel Ray's is everywhere. Her show's pretty good.
That bastion of good taste, ET is going to have an interview with Tara Conner. I think Mark Steines is going to ask her if she would do a drug test. Hey, that's great!
Rachel Ray's show is entertaining BUT it seems like she never stops talking. That's my only gripe. No what, she does fawn over her guest a tad much for my liking.
Heh heh, Rachel is a bit chatty. She talks so fast too, it's insane. Oddly enough I've been watching clips of her show on YouTube--I can't stop LOL.
You know, she does fawn but since her interviews are so vacuous, it's not hurl-worthy. I think if she gets better than it be unbearable LOL.
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