In all seriousness, I'm an insane James Brown fan--some might say obsessive. I have a lot of his work, a lot. You know what I don't need? To see James Brown after he's dead. It's strictly "my deal" you know? He's worked and overworked as the hardest working man in show business. That being said, if anyone needs a rest--it's him, but not like this...
Of course the whole occasion has made for some dreadful photo ops. In fact, I had a picture up here until I couldn't bare looking at it anymore. I had to zap it from my hardrive. That's not true--the whole thing made me crash, recrash and crash my system in an attempt to rid myself of it. The good news? It's gone. The bad news? I lost the addresses a few prostitutes in the area.

Here's a pic from Brown's funeral in Augusta, Georgia. I felt this whole deal was more fitting. Various members of his bands appeared and of course that's Michael Jackson. As a fan, I will review the ceremonies, there's nothing wrong with that
, well...The Apollo Ceremony B
The Augusta Service A+
Aww! I'm just upset he got overshadowed by Pres Ford. As much as he gave to pop culture couldn't have a moment to really shine on his final tour? Sheesh!
Michael's back from Bahrain, eh? Hmm! Totally off subject, but whose he getting to do his weave in Bahrain? Ok. That was so wrong. I'm done.
I'm upset too Shawn. Got to say James blasted back via CNN's January 1st coverage of his Augusta homegoing. They interrupted it with one of Gerald Ford's services (dammit!) but it was less than 2 minutes and it was back to James.
I guess that is a weave. He just looks silly. Michael needs some help! LOL
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