Got to admit, that's a pretty funny impression. I laughed and I can't stand Rosie O' Donnell. Of course the clip is a bit edited, there was also some talk (and crosstalk) about Trump's father, bankruptcy and the snake oil salesman comment.
A Recap: A few hours later after the laughs were ringing in his ears, Donald Trump blew his stack. He could no longer govern his passions and he let Rosie O have it. A more reasoned man would let bygones be bygones but Trump's not there yet as the clip below shows.
Disclaimer: If YouTube pulls the clip it's basically Donald Trump exploding with rage. What's that? A gunshot? Donald, are you ok?
"I'd like to take some money out of her fat ass pockets..." Nice to see Donald taking it so well. Got to say this Rosie bash fest is particularly vicious. I don't think I've seen anyone drill someone like this. Although Donald didn't make himself look any better with any of those asides, I think it's hilarious, it just is.

Why would anyone be interested in what Rosie O'Donnell thought or had to say about anything?
I know what you mean. But I think O'Donnell's comments probably crossed some personal line with Trump. That laughter didn't help anything either...
Personally, I am curious as to which one could survive a 5,000 foot drop. To make it even, we would need to release them at the same time. Winner? The public.
Happy holidays, Jason!
Merry Christmas Jason!
I am so thankful that you linked the Donald's clip on the insider. I had no idea that watching him take jabs and upper cuts at Rosie would be so much more fun than reading his verbal assault.
Rosie's impression was hilarious.
Happy holidays Steve! Knowing our luck they'd both survive. It may be worth it to see Trump's hair blow in the breeze, well, before impact.
Merry Christmas and thanks Shawn! I'm glad I saw the clip too, it's much better. He's livid--and he has reason to be. Yeah, her impression was hilarious--spot on...
I'm hoping for a real-life celebrity death match of these two.
And you know that Babs Walters is fit to be tied right now...
Rob, it just might come to that--they are vicious. I bet Babs is fit to be tied too. Although the ratings are up--the show isn't anywhere close to the original intent. I don't think Rosie will last past the end of this season...
Jason, I think you are right. They seem to be grooming Sherri Shepard, who I love!, and then all they need is a newsier type person and they are good to go.
Oddly enough, I can stand Sherri Shepard she doesn't seem to take it that seriously. I would take a news person instead of her--but the women they've "auditioned" have been ghastly. Shepard was the only one who didn't make a total jackass out of herself.
Next on the list: Giving Elisabeth Hasselbeck the boot...
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