Freelance writer, pop culture historian. general factotum.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Michael Richards b/w Clay Aiken
Remember those classic songs? Ahh yes, I can't forget. I was just working on a post about my favorite bygone breakfast cereals but later for Quisp. We've got more pressing pop culture business, a week of total shame! I can't resist.
Here's this disaster, a shell of a man. I've got to say I wasn't surprised at Kramer's Tirade. It's not like I saw him as a member of the KKK but still--not shocked. How many times did he say the N-word? As soon as even thought about saying the first one, I would have jumped up and...
Edited because this is a family blog....
Yeah I would have!
Part 2: Just look at him, the hate and rage--and good lord, isn't that Oprah's set? Yeah he's coming back. And oh yeah, Michael Richards recently contacted Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Like they don't have more important stuff than to see Kramer's crocodile tears.
Clay Aiken's Great Guesthosting Stint!
A Bona-Fide Mess. Just when you thought that this was dying down, leave to me to reheat these still-ok leftovers. I used a clip that looked real grainy to bring out the ee-vil, hoo hah hah. Long short short, I do think Kelly Ripa overreacted. This coming from a big time germaphobe. I think it's embarrasing.
More Junk: As the feud died down, an important part of the sickening puzzle was revealed.
Check that fool out, speaks volumes...
Leave it to Big Mouth. Wouldn't you know this fool got in the middle of it stating that Ripa's remark was homophobic. At press time, Clay Aiken hasn't stated his sexual orientation. For me, the issue is Kelly Ripa acting like a jackass over Clay's alledgedly dirty, germ-filled, typhoid-laden hands.
Thank you Steve and Happy Thanksgiving and holiday weekend to you too.
Yeah Michael Richards is all kinds of crazy. I think it was reported earlier about him being nuts but know we see its a little more than that. I don't think Richards can get on CelebReality--it was just too much.
Kelly Ripa's cute. She and Clay really should be seen laughing this stuff off, quick LOL.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. I completely understand her discontent with the hand over mouth situation.
If you watch the clip closely he placed his enire hand over her mouth and held it there. In my book that is pretty rude. Especially when you are a guest doing this in front of a crowd ad other guests on air in front of millions.
I believe that most of these people have tremendous ego and I assume Kelly Ripa is no exception making this "B" list punk's action very hard for her to stomach. I'm sure she stewed over a "how dare he" mentality all weekend.
Anyway, overblown or not he invaded her space and she was offended. That is reasonable. Perhaps not mature, but reasonable.
Oh it was a fun pop culture week Ginger. Happy holidaze to you too ;)
Thank you Buddy. Yeah you certainly have a point, Clay did cover her entire mouth and he did hold it there. Yeah, that's a bit much especially if they weren't hitting it off to begin with.
I wish Kelly didn't make such a big issue of it--and Rosie made it even worse. As it stands now, Clay looked silly and Kelly lost some cool points. One or two more things, she'll reach the point of no return like Katie Lee did heh heh...
An excellent reason to give thanks: your blog.
Kramer makes me look normal, and I have to appreciate that, but the guy is in a Bonaduce-like tailspin. See ya on Celebrity boxing, dillrod!
Somedays I think Ripa is hot, and other days I want her to eat a value meal from McDonald's.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jason.
Thank you Steve and Happy Thanksgiving and holiday weekend to you too.
Yeah Michael Richards is all kinds of crazy. I think it was reported earlier about him being nuts but know we see its a little more than that. I don't think Richards can get on CelebReality--it was just too much.
Kelly Ripa's cute. She and Clay really should be seen laughing this stuff off, quick LOL.
What a frightening week in pop culture land...
Happy holidaze, Jason!
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. I completely understand her discontent with the hand over mouth situation.
If you watch the clip closely he placed his enire hand over her mouth and held it there. In my book that is pretty rude. Especially when you are a guest doing this in front of a crowd ad other guests on air in front of millions.
I believe that most of these people have tremendous ego and I assume Kelly Ripa is no exception making this "B" list punk's action very hard for her to stomach. I'm sure she stewed over a "how dare he" mentality all weekend.
Anyway, overblown or not he invaded her space and she was offended. That is reasonable. Perhaps not mature, but reasonable.
p.s. Love your blog. Great stuff.
Oh it was a fun pop culture week Ginger. Happy holidaze to you too ;)
Thank you Buddy. Yeah you certainly have a point, Clay did cover her entire mouth and he did hold it there. Yeah, that's a bit much especially if they weren't hitting it off to begin with.
I wish Kelly didn't make such a big issue of it--and Rosie made it even worse. As it stands now, Clay looked silly and Kelly lost some cool points. One or two more things, she'll reach the point of no return like Katie Lee did heh heh...
What in the heezy? Did you edit Mr Elias? I left a lengthy comment in this thread early Sunday I believe it was. Where did it go?
Hey Shawn I didn't edit, I didn't even see the comment. Please post it again...
Clay Aiken is Satan. I wouldn't let him touch me, either.
Oh that's awful Don LOL. I bet his hands are clammy too.
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