I just had to watch the 10th season debut especially since Rosie O' Donnell signed on. Being as observant as I am, I noticed that Meredith Vieira and Star Jones were missing, what happened to them?
Despite the occasional funny line, chaos seemed to rule. The transitions were shaky, the banter was forced and O'Donnell was just nervous. There was a weird moment where they all were talking about "Hollywoodland" then Superman George Reeves as file footage of Steve Irwin played. Ridiculous.
Believe or not, the show actually had a guest besides cringe worthy discomfort. Jessica Simpson came out in the world's shortest dress and the camera was able to see what she was wearing underneath, twice. Barbara looked a little tired during this segment, Rosie perked right up and got distracted and that left Hasselbeck and Behar to attain some structure.
During the break, a bearded Bill Geddie hopped up and talked to Rosie and pointed at his head set. I don't know if he was telling her to pipe down, listen or take her neds. It's a mystery!
The Rest: After that disaster the View played a "catch-up" video on Rosie's exploits for the past few years. It pretty much came with subliminal messages like, "Look, she's not crazy," "Rosie's our friend" and "Totally not crazy." It didn't work. After her dreary song, Jessica Simpson came from backstage and hauled out a cake for O' Donnell. For what?
Grade: B- Upped a notch for the laugh/disaster factor.
Viera's now Katie Couric's replacement on the Today Show. Star got fired.
Did you catch Katie Couric's debut on the CBS Evening News tonight? They actually showed a "leg shot" while she was interviewing somebody, not at the news desk but at a table. The serious news folks are uproaring about it. I just laughed out loud.
Oh, that's what happened to them, ok ;)
I didn't see Katie Couric's debut, I slept right through it. Got to say, I'm glad she got the job--and I'm glad Meredith left that psycho-circus. That's pretty much a win-win so far...
I'm going to have to look for that "leg shot" on You Tube, heh heh...
First thing: I am glad the above reader cleared things up. Star Jones was fired? Yikes. I must have missed that one.
Secondly, my review of the View. Day 1-bad. Day 2-better. Day 3-almost back to normal. Nothing will ever match up to Meredith. She was great. I think the key is Grandma Walters needs to get some rest. She tries so hard to stay with it and be hip, but you can easily tell that being on the show 5 days a week, as opposed to her normal 2 is really getting to her. And that, teamed with that bright-ass pink set makes me annoyed. I wish they would get Rosie to shut up just a lil bit more-Joy is chompin' at the bit.
But hear me now: anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is better than one millisecond of Jabba the Jones.
Sidenote: I am totally bummed about Kepcher. Loved her!
Rob, you know, I did kind of forget what exactly happened with Star. Did she quit? Was she fired? I think I can safely say she was quitfired. Oddly enough, I miss Star Jones...
I have to agree with what you said about the View. It's not great for me but it has improved. The set is hard on my eyes though...
Thinking about it, I don't think Elisabeth is going to be able to keep up, she just needs to go to Fox and get it over with. I wish Barbara would leave, but then again she really has no journalistic career left so this is it...
you just continue to torture yourself. why?
Ha ha, I think the show is so bad Shawn, it's a disaster everyday and given how stable it was before...Come to think of it, it is torture LOL.
Having a huge boquet of flowers from (the officially named) Batshit Crazy Tom Cruise, sitting right next to her, probably didn't help Rosie's "I'm not crazy" case any.
- The Jay
I like that name LOL and yeah and they're both nuts now. I guess their love affair took a mental toll on the both of them...
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