My blog received some difficult news. A young lady I mentored Carolyn Kepcher has been relieved of her duties with my friend Donald Trump. I knew this was going to happen. Donald slipped a note in my Trapper Keeper during 4th period and told me "Caroline" was history.
This is a history that has been shared by all of us. Throughout the 15 seasons of the Apprentice, we've seen Carolyn mature from shrill/pissy to totally unlikable. In fact, she's a big part of the reason why that show "sucks" now. Reports say that Carolyn was acting like an entitled jackass, getting hefty pay days on the side with his chintzy speaking deals and endorsements. I for one was spefically turned off with those Polident Overnight commercials, she still has her teeth! As we all know Donald Trump isn't one for brazen self-promotion or aggrandizement.
--> %)%)%480235 Oops...indent, over here... Here's what the Donald has to say!
"What I did was a good thing for Carolyn," he said. "I'm doing something that's best for her. She's a terrific person."
Ah, he fired her, he's so munificent. When are they giving out the Nobel Prize again? Here's another one...
"Let's put it this way: She enjoyed the success of 'The Apprentice' very much," Trump said.
Ooh! That's classic Donald--that's a burn.

Nice to see her rebounding, her shirt has a positive message too...
Hey Jason
I was just wondering...do Trapper Keepers still exist? That was a blast from the past...hehehe
Hey Ginger, I think they do make Trapper Keepers but not at the levels they made them when I was a kid.
If I can remember, I just might buy one :)
How dare he fired her and hire his kids instead? Is he serious? Shoot me now.
LOL Although Carolyn could be strident, she was a good sounding board--and she certainly had business experience. I have to ask why his kids? How about all of the apprentices Donald lies and says he's still working with...
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