TV is getting sillier and sillier, it's actually hard to keep up. I had the good fortune to see some dreadful programs. Let's review them together!
Dr. Phil...I got a taste of the dreaded Dr. Phil house and was it ever bad. This is supposed to be a focal point to the show this season and it's stinks to high heaven. It's overdone, silly, odd and pointless. Here's an idea? How about helping people in the studio? The above pic is Dr. Phil at the "control room" peeping at one of the families who will implode and inexplicably "get better" under his tutelage. It's so tiring...
The Guest Who Won't Shut His Freaking Pie Hole: I head that Dr. Phil is going to live with the folks at the Dr. Phil house. Oh, that can't be for real. Frankly I don't know if I'd want to share my soap on a robe with "Phil."
A Confession: I'd like to backhand Dr. Phil so hard I'd lose my balance.
The Megan Mullally Show- I don't/didn't have high hopes for this one. Despite Mullally's talent, the show is so shopworn and silly that it hit the cringe-worthy mark within five minutes. The debut show had Mullally and singers doing makeshift lyrics to "Age of Aquarius" and "Hair." One of the songs lyrics had to do with making out with Debra Messing. Even as horny as I am, I just don't care. The first guests were Will Ferrell and Jenny McCarthy.

Nice invite, but if that show doesn't get better in a hurry, that couch, table, etc will be in storage so fast it would make Caroline Rhea's head spin.
The Clear Reference Point: While this has Rosie's old show written all over this, Mullally reportedly said she wanted to make this like the Mike Douglas Show. The problem is Douglas wasn't irreverent, he was serious about that hooey/bunk/stuff.
The Greg Behrendt Show- You know, actually Behrendt is a cool, intelligent guy despite his often odd appearance. The problem here? The production values. These guys could talk about all of the hi-fluent stuff they want, the set is pure '90s cheese. I keep expecting to see Richard Bey or a metal chair flying. Another problem is seeing Behrendt in this setting, wearing those little ties and stuff, I keep wanting to see him drop his cards and just do a header in the audience and start wailing away...
What I've Learned: I can't spell Behrendt, I want to type Brendhart, help me somebody!
The Tony Danza Chronicles: This is a heads up for those who didn'theard the news. The Tony Danza Show has been taken off the air. There was an online petition (yeah,
they work) to keep the Tony Danza program on and running. Well, you don't see him do ya? It's a darned shame...
you are a morning talk show junkie man. since you are expert in the field having logged so much viewer time, outline the perfect talk show format. who should host?
Shawn, I don't know why I always loved morning talk shows, well all of the daytime stuff, it's just interesting to see what networks and affiliates will put on...
Thinking about it, the best hosts are out of it but not in a bad way. They aren't trying to be cool and aren't cool. In an odd sense, corny and likable work better than anything else. I think that's why Rachael Ray works and Megan Mullally's show is pretty much like Ambien.
I wish I could think of the perfect format/host. Shows like Martin Short and especially Wayne Brady should have gotten the ax so soon. I didn't love Brady's show--but it was popular, then it was gone... I just wish all of the shows would smarten up, the format hasn't been really challenged since David Letterman's morning talk show...
I have been trying to post replies for two weeks on your blogs. If this doesn't work, I'm sending in some troops.
I say they shake up the morning/daytime talk show format and, oh, I don't know, CANCEL THEM ALL. I was home from work yesterday, and would rather watch someone being put to death in the electric chair in a constant loop than watch Rosie O'Donnell...ever.
Of course, I am a little grumpy.
I see your message Steve :) I hear you about posting repiles, I've had trouble too...
This morning was rough for morning/daytime talk. I was pretty much clicking between Megan Mullally totally losing her mind and Rosie O' Donnell wearing some orange parka or something that looked like it was from the GI Joe Adventure Team.
Really? Most of these shows get on my nerves. They should be so much better...
I'm not a talk show host person but I was entertained the few times I caught Isaac on the Style network. I don't know if survived its 1st season. Ever seen it?
I think it's still on. I caught the show a few times and it's good. Isaac gets some great guests--that's half the battle right there...
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