Sniff, sniff, what's that? I smell something burning. It's the smoke from a once vital show that's turning into a grade A psycho circus. I do feel bad. Everytime I tell myself I'm not going to talk about The View (I had such lofty ideas) something else pops up that's totally worthy to discuss in my diary.
Sandra Bernhard appeared on the View and proceeded to put the slams on, well everybody. This is a mess--and one I enjoyed immensely, here's the
Recap: The View's problems are clear in that 7 minute clip: Star Jones and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. How petty and small-minded have become. I loved hearing Star defend Mariah Carey--like she gives a hoot. I bet these gals thought this was going to be an easy interview, well they had 15 other thoughts coming. You know what I love here, the
tension. See what happens without Meredith? And when you think about it a full-throttle, bad week/weekend Rosie O' Donnell is worse than this...
The Best Moment: What else? The Jerry Lewis story. I thought he was nuts.
Oh. My. GOD! I can't believe that clip. What an awkward, tense, voice-overlapping, incoherent mess that is. Sandra Bernhardt is a big drag queen, with all the "honey" this and "honey" that, but all the hosts, aside from Joy, seem to be competing for worst interviewer. When Meredith left, they lost their anchor. Now even Barbara is treated like the insane aunt who chimes in with non-sequitor questions that leave everyone baffled.
And Star...oof. Although I was pleasantly surprised to see her actually not talk for thirty seconds as she quieted down after Sandra shot her down.
Rosie can be far more vicious than Sandra, whose style is abrasive, but she's actually not all the MEAN herself. So yeah... this fall is gonna be interesting. Sandra pushed that Hassleback girl when she said Laura was medicated. I think Sandra is fully capable of a real debate - she was just being showy. And she calls everyone honey, so EH thought that was a slam, but I don't think it was.
What a hoot!
Donny, I loved that clip, that fight just erupted, all of that passive-aggressive angry had to go somewhere. Meredith clearly diffused the apparent disdain these women feel for one another. Yeah, I forgot, that is Barbara Walters, she's becoming the crazy View lady more than anything else.
I think it's hilarious that Hasselback got pissed over the "honey" comment, Bernhard had been saying all through the interview...
Xolondon, I'll be surprised if Star or that other one come back, this will probably be a good day in comparision. I agree that Sandra was showy--but with these guys they don't even need a real debate to get them going. And yeah Rosie O' Donnell's can be far more vicious--she's going to let them have it LOL.
Oh Jason!!! You know how I feel about this show. I knew it was going to start going downhill the moment Meredith left, but I had no clue it would happen so quickly. If Bill Geddie and Barbara Walters know what they're doing, they would get rid of Elisabeth and Star BEFORE the summer ends. Rosie will help things out...but she's not coming until Sept. I don't think this show can wait that long. Quick!!! S.O.S.!!
Ha Rob! I'm not surprised at any of this. I could see Meredith was getting tired--and didn't she leave at the right time. Getting rid of both Elisabeth and Star before the summer is a great idea. I don't think they have it in them to do it though.
Really I'm beginning to fear for the girls saniety, Star Jones thinking she's cute and that moron Hasselback chirping those idiotic lines, it's pathetic. And it's also hilarious to watch...
Hasselback is like that annoying little girl at the adult dinner party who sits there repeating "My mom says I'm pretty."
Elisabeth! No one cares!
Little girl is a great description. Hasselback is immature. I'm a Democrat, I'm never going to agree with Hasselback, but also I remember when the debate was more mature than it is now. But then again if Hasselback is what passes for a conservative view, well you can't look a gift horse in the mouth...
Oh that was great fun. She doesn't listen to anyway. Respect other people's opinion's enough to listen even if you disagree. Mission accomplished for her. She ruffled a few feathers, got people talking about her and gave everyone she hates the middle finger.
Ok, Hasselback challenging Bernhard about Laura Bush. What am I missing? Why the passion?
Bernhard killed me with her Mariah trash talk. No one in their right can deny that MC gradually, if not suddenly, started embracing her ethnic roots as the years progressed. Star needs to sit down.
Shawn, wasn't that fun though. Oddly enough I bet the people from the View were expecting a non-eventful interview with Bernhard, Sandra had other plans LOL.
Hasselback's passion comes from the fact that people like her are so insulted when you talk about the Bushes. I see it on message boards, they take it so personally.
You know the fact that Star Jones is defend Mariah Carey means something is mighty wrong LOL. Star Jones is crazy--and she certainly didn't "look cute." Sadly as much as I liked her, Mariah's whole deal is very, very clear and seems/is very calculated. It's a shame because despite the comeback, she's just not that interesting. I'm over her! LOL.
Do you guys have the new Sandra CD of her show "everything bad & beautiful" ? It's the best thing I've heard in a long time. I got it at, by the by. There's hidden Sandra B gems that make me laugh every time. She is fabulous and it's the best live recording I've ever heard.
Hi Jared!
I have it! and now Sandra's on tour this year!
If Sandra went on the view now, Hasselback would have to come through Rosie to get to Sandra!
Hasselback is just crying for help--she's in pain, poor girl.
Whatever it takes Productions
Haven't heard that CD. I'd love to see Sandra come on the View. I don't think Hasselbeck's been the same since her last appearance...
This vid. has totally disappeared from the web. Why would that be? Was is so offending? Tx, J from Munich, Germany
You know, I can't find it either. I think it was offending, but I certainly enjoyed it. It will probably pop back on YouTube any day--I can only hope!
& 7 years later & the video never resurfaced
I'm going to have to search for that clip, it was hilarious. It probably was one of the first major cracks in the franchise...
I remember watching that clip several times from back then too and then it disappeared. I'd look for it now and then, to no avail. Where is it?? Someone must have it! It always left me cracking up. It wasn't THAT offensive. It was probably the best of The View. Joy was quietly loving it the whole time.
Ha, it's got to be somewhere this clip is too much fun not to be available.
I'll do some sleuthing, I'm usually good about finding clips, songs, etc.
Yes, I had watched that clip over and over also. I'm so disappointed that it's nowhere to be found anymore. If anyone finds it, could you please put it on YouTube? It was the best The View ever was!
I've been looking and looking. Everything is on YouTube--except that. I hope someone finds it soon, so I can laugh about it again, ha.
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