Oh hi, this is James Brown. Oops, wrong script. In any event, I think it's time we talk about something no one ever discusses: Sex tape. You know, you put "sex" in a search engine, and you come up empty, no pics, no nothing. What gives? I'll have to be a maverick and talk about this stuff...

I'm concerned about Screech. First I was feeling a bit sorry for him and his domestic woes, the next thing I hear is that he was having fun on this sex tape. Here Screech is with two women reportedly doing a ton of stuff and something called a Dirty Sanchez. I'm no prude, but I don't even know what that is. Frankly, if this is a true sex tape, I hope he's with his wife and leaving that freaky stuff to Zach Morris.

Belding also did a sex tape. It's a solo venture although John
Ratzenberger makes a cameo appearance.

Ugly has a few tapes too...Now this is something I've
got to miss. I cannot see why anyone would want to see Paris Hilton have sex. It's beyond me. I'd rather watch old McDonald's commercials on

The Go-Go's have a tape floating around too. From the descriptions I read it's mostly them
f'ed up on coke and not doing a whole heck of a lot. I want to see it anyway. Something tells me the '80s milieu and hearing them talk about "stuff" is a total win-win for me...
Note: I said "milieu" no wonder I can't get a date...

Best Sex Tape Ever: Jayne Kennedy... I had heard about an alleged tape featuring Jayne and her ex-husband Leon Issac Kennedy. I had to get my people on it and they finally delivered tape on my doorstep by way of a stork. Way to rock it old-school...
Review: The quality was awful, the tape was blurry but it was action-packed! The downside was seeing Leon Issac Kennedy, in fact I had to avert my eyes whenever that ham appeared on screen. The good out weighed the bad however. Jayne Kennedy is clearly the star of this video. One word: Wow. Jayne was working out, in layman's terms, she brought it. I laughed, I cried....
Other Stuff: Throughout this 50 minute video the world's worst radio station was playing tracks like "Blue Moon," "The Letter" and "Shake Rattle and Roll." I was insulted, it blocked out Jayne's "talking."
I'm scared. Hold me.
Ha Ginger! LOL
I saw that Kennedy sex tape years ago but can't remember much outside of the poor tape quality you mentioned. Tell me if my memory serves me correctly, she get fisted in the vid right?
Belding did a sex tape? NO...NO Way...
No mention of the Pam and Tommy tape? Nothing hotter than watching an aging rocker taking one off with a plastic chick. Ugh.
Shawn, your memory serves correctly, ha ha. That portion was near the end of the "program." I'm going to watch it again! LOL. Belding didn't do a sex tape and I sure hope he doesn't, seeing him under any circumstance is enough...
I was going to mention the Pam and Tommy tape Steve but the picture I wanted to use wasn't availible. Tommy had this really dumb expression on his face. But then again, that's every day.
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