Monday, February 13, 2006

Kind of Important TV Questions...

Heh, check that cool title. But really this is what it is. As a person in the "industry" I often have news on shows that others aren't privvy to. I'm not in the television industry however--but I do have a TV. And you know what, there's a lot of questions on the internet and I thought I'd answer a few of them like somebody asked me or something...

Everyone's asking about "Joey." In fact my mailbox is crammed full of queries about Joey. This is what I know, "Joey" isn't on at press time. Maybe it's a good thing. For some reason this show just made me feel bad. It certainly had promise but it's all a little too sitcomy and plus I can't believe this show's been on since the fall of 2004. Ahh well...

An Idiot's Take: Really I had it with Joey after that abysmal Joey loves Rachel plot line on "Friends." And without the cast from that show, Matt LeBlanc is tough to take without a context.

Update: NBC has put Joey back on the schedule for Tuesday nights! Goody...

Jake in Progress. People seem to be divided on whether this is coming back. The show's second season debuted with a slightly different premise, added characters and "Emily's Reasons Why Not" making stuff a lot worse. John Stamos has also been looking to me for counsel, asking things like, "Hey man, what did you hear about Jake?" That's when I say nothing and slam the phone down. That's tough love...

Bottom Line: Either we'll see this again--or we won't...

That's Dharma with the guy from "Ed." "Courting Alex" sucks. I don't see a bunch of people invested in this relationship. You know, for this to work, the lead character has to be likeable. She's not at all...

Replacing A Good Show With A Not Good Show: "Courting Alex" bumped "Out of Practice" off the schedule. I bet the ratings have declined because this show is brutal. "Practice" is supposed to be back--but then again so was "My-So Called Life." Oh no, I'm still not over it!

What happened to Love Monkey? It seems that CBS's "Love Monkey" has been taken off the CBS lineup. That's great! TV has enough good shows, one more is just too many. Got to say this wasn't an easy sell for me. Tom Cavanaugh often gets on my nerves, so does Jason Priestly/Brandon Walsh and Larenz Tate, but the show was/is really good. The best thing is that it didn't seem music snobby and Cavanaugh's character wasn't a prick. Yep this worked that well...

Status: On hiatus, still on the CBS website, halted production, next episode TBD...

It's time to pay it forward. For all of the info I've given, I'm asking for help in a write-in campaign to bring "Beverly Hills 90210" back. I've got conditions however, not the good cast but these guys. They seemingly did 120 episodes that last season, I want to see 192,949,291 more...


Anonymous said...

Yes! Bring back My So-Called Life! Who cares how old the actors are? We can see what kind of jobs they have now?

Unknown said...

Wouldn't that be interesting. Got to say Rickie and Rayanne certainly have more story. I think they have tried for a reunion but I know Claire Danes didn't want to be a part of it, Angela Chase was probably her best role.

Anonymous said...

I was devastated when My So Called Life was taken off the air.

Is Claire Danes a redhead or a blonde?

Unknown said...

I was devastated too Shawn. My-So Called Life was such a great show and all of the shows that have been a little like that haven't come close to MSCL's greatness.

I don't know if Claire is a redhead or blonde but I've had a lot of fun looking at pictures of her for research :) I liked her better as a redhead...