Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year A Few Days Late

<----Pop Culture editors looking on, sharing a laugh, taking the world by storm, keeping it real....

Happy New Year! It's already been a busy year here at the offices. So much so, I've had to step back from my editorial and writing duties. I've found I'm needed on the streets, resuming my career as a pimp and ne'er do well. In my absences, I've elevated two fine folks from "spiritual advisors" to the writing staff. Changes will be seen on the masthead posthaste.

For those who are concerned about the change in direction, there will be none. It's not like I ever did any of this alone, and it's not like these two are inanimate hunks of plastic, rubber, fuzz and string either. I'm pleased with the idea of these two. They're killing machines and their combined IQ is 493.

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