Thursday, November 06, 2008

Reflections of an Election Season

<----Look, look!!! Oh hi, it was a wonderful outcome to the 2008 elections. Seems like the blood thirsty, thieving cabal didn't have enough in the tank to steal for John McCains. Good thing. For all of those folks who call the High School Musical trilogy "grown up stuff", this is how a fair election runs. . In any event, 'Rack Obama gave McCain a Bush/Dukakis type spankin' and the world rejoiced. I'm particularly proud. A young Barack Obama used to intern here at the offices. He was always lallygagging, playing Tetris and "sounding off" at the boss. I remember one time I told him to "Get that Idiot Spirit or keep it moving." He did and look now he's president.

Verdict: I was a tough but fair!

Joe Biden- One of the great by-products of this election is that people in the MD/DE area gets to unleash this Mid Atlantic windbag on the rest of the nation. And that's a compliment. I like Joe Biden a lot so while it's totally cool about Barack, it's also cool Biden is the VP. And really? It's nice to finally see Joe on a winning, national ticket.

Mr.Inappropriate: Another thing I like another Joe Biden is that not only loquacious, he often says "whatever" and it's basically not far from common sense. And really? He looks like Stephen Hawking compared to what we could have had.

Joe the Kind of Plumber-This is who I worry about. Ever since that encounter with Obama Joe's been flying blind. In the last days of his dreary campaign McCain was propping himself up on this guy. In a short time the oddly capricious Joe has thought about being a country singer. Good luck with that. At press time, (heh) Joe stated that he wants to start a watchdog site to keep politicians honest. Who cares.

My Plans: I'm going to start a site to hold Joe the Plumber accountable and keep him honest.

Sarah Palin- Look who's getting her cry on? Well she should have cried on that campaign stop where some lady called Barack the "Big N." But no, Sarah did nothing. On election night, Palin took the news of the world hating her and her ticket really hard, hence the tears. When McCain named her as his running mate, I was a bit frightened. I thought people were going to be dumb enough to go for it. But they didn't. Seems like Palin didn't have the stuff to make McCain look less crazy in a "team-like" setting. Failures!

Ut-Oh- This nice pic of Tina Fey (that's going in my "archives) was actually labeled Sarah Palin in the internet. Can people be that stupid?

Answer: Yes

Go and relive this shit like I am

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