A little more than a month after retiring from a 42-year career at ABC News, Ted
Koppel is diving back into journalism with a multiyear agreement to produce work and do blog entries for a new enterprise entitled, "Jason Elias: Pop Culture Idiot."
Terms of the deal aren't known. It's clear that Jason Elias's worth is down to pennies so this is obviously a labor of love for the newsman. In an interview Wednesday afternoon, Koppel said Pop Culture Idiot was an ideal place for him and he was amazed Elias was still walking the streets after losing his mind years ago.
Koppel will be managing editor, a job title he held on Nightline.
"You know, if Jason can get off his lazy ass and I can whip my addiction to hard core porn, we might actually go somewhere," Koppel joked. Elias entered the room, exchanged words and Koppel slapped Elias to the ground with an old-fashioned backhand. Charges are still pending...
I'd like to extend a heartfelt "congrats" to Jason, Ted, and the rest f the team on this site. It seems that things are moving forward at breakneck speed. I've been holding my stock in JE: PCI for a while now, and this should sent it through the roof.
One question: will Ted do any appearances in his leather mask and dog collar?
Thanks so much Steve.Breakneck speed? Yep, Koppel is taking my blog to the "next level." Hold on...Ted's giving me an IM....
You know I can actually see Ted in a leather mask and dog collar well thanks to those pics on the net...:)
I'm so glad Ted has found work. I was concerned about how he'd make ends meet.
Trish, I thought I'd help Ted out. I can't wait for him to get started!
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