Chesney always struck me as all hat, no cattle, as phony as a stack of 3 dollar bills. I can't stand the sight of him frankly, he gives me the willies.
Renee's no prize romantically and might be damaged goods, in regards to A-Ok mental health. She can either look hot or fairly hideous. Her track record is heinous. Not clear on all of her suitors but that giant-sized nut job Jim Carrey and the wispy and alarming-looking Jack White are danger signs. And doing research for this blog entry, I've found out Zellweger also dated George Clooney. Good lord. Total forgot about that one--if I ever knew it in the first place.
The Upside: Renee Zellweger's single and I'm totally free so she can swallow her pride and ask me out. Kenny Chesney? Whether he cares or not, he'll probably turn tragedy to publishing and refer back to this for eons.
Norman Fell Exploitation Meter:
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